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5 reasons why your business should be paying you

#cashflowclarity Jul 01, 2022

Some entrepreneurs have a hard time seeing themselves as a business.  It might have started as a hobby, or a side hustle, but now it's starting to make money and you are still not paying yourself.  It may seem odd to start paying yourself, but it's important that you do. 

Here are five reasons why you should get in the habit of paying yourself now.

1. You'll respect your own money more

One of the biggest problems with not paying yourself is that you don't treat your own money with respect. You're more likely to make poor decisions about spending because you don't see it as being yours. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that your company can afford anything, and even if you want to buy something, it's hard to think about spending money when the company needs it for other things—even if you need it for other things too!

2. You'll value your work more

If you don't pay yourself a salary or hourly wage, then you're not getting paid for your work—and that means that all of the work that you do is getting devalued. Maybe this doesn't matter at first but eventually going to start affecting your attitude towards your business and your work.

3. You'll feel more secure

Whether or not it's true in reality, it feels like a lot of people are living paycheck to paycheck these days—and that means that having some cash flow coming in all the time is a good thing! If you're paying yourself regularly, then you'll be able to

4. You'll feel less stressed

When you're not getting paid a salary, it's easy to get stressed out about money—which is one of the biggest reasons why you need to pay yourself now! If you're going through a tough time financially and don't have enough money coming in, then it will only make matters worse if you aren't getting paid for all that work that you do every week or month.

5. You'll be more motivated to grow your business

If you're not paying yourself, then there's no incentive for you to grow your business. You might think that's not true, but it definitely is! When people are not paying themselves, they tend to slack off and procrastinate more often than when they do get paid. This is because they don't feel like their efforts are being rewarded with money—which will only make matters worse if they're already struggling financially! If this sounds familiar then don't worry - just start paying yourself today!

If you want more information on why and how you can pay yourself from your business, please reach out for a Profit First Support call: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18230665&appointmentType=15452981

Not only does paying yourself mean that you can value your time and energy, but we can also set up your business finances so that you can make a profit in the business too.





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